Conquer Your Sleep-Deprivation Cravings
We’ve all been there…maybe you were catching up on work, maybe the kids had a restless night, or maybe the game went into overtime – for whatever reason, you didn’t get enough sleep. Now you wake up feeling groggy, depleted, and, of course, hungry. If you haven’t noticed, our food cravings tend to be drastically different when we’re well rested versus when we’re sleep-deprived. Understanding why and how to control these cravings can make the difference between falling off “program” or remaining disciplined, keeping your body functioning at its peak abilities.
In recent years, a multitude of studies have found direct correlations between poor sleep cycles and increased junk food cravings. One particular study at UC Berkeley concluded that sleep deprivation blunts high-level brain function, due to the negative impact it has on the brain regions that control our decision-making. In addition, lack of sleep also amplifies the more primal parts of the brain that control motivation and desire. Simply put, if we don’t sleep well, our decision-making is impaired and our desire for those guilty pleasure foods rise.
So what can we do to break the vicious cycle? First, address the problem at the root of the cause and make sleep a priority. Contrary to popular belief in today’s “hustle more” society, 8-9 hours of sleep each night is essential in maintaining a high-level of performance throughout your day (one health component I have yet to master). The more adequate sleep we get each night, the more energy we have and the more disciplined our minds become, especially with regard to food intake.
As far as the cravings themselves, our bodies love consistency – maintaining a sustainable and consistent nutrition program full of whole, nutrient dense foods, will condition your mind and body to look for real food instead of its fake, weak nutrient dense counterparts. Once your new habits are developed you’ll not only start craving healthy, real food, but you’ll be able to depict what nutrients you’re missing simply by breaking down what you’re craving. For example; if you are craving chocolate, you are likely low on magnesium. One of the best tricks I learned throughout my career is to give my body what it craves, but the in the healthiest version. If I crave pizza, I make a tomato ragù filled with the pizza toppings I craved, and every-time, my craving is satisfied!
The body is very complex, especially when it comes to fueling it; by eating at consistent times, with plenty of nutrients (both Macro and Micro-nutrients), you’ll be able to not only shun the cravings, but increase your energy and performance throughout the day, to obtain whatever your goals may be!